Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A new year, a new you!

What  is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of New Year's Day?
If you are already an active person who loves the gym, you are dreading this phrase!

New Year's Resolutions!!

Every year there is an influx of people into the gym trying to workout and get healthy.  Most gym-lovers know this is normally just a phase and will only last a month or so.  However I hope the influx is permanent this year!!  Some of the things I am going to try:
 (disclaimer: I am just as bad at this, however being a PT I feel I need to start practicing what I preach!  I will keep ya'll updated on my progress.)  

1. Make a physical reminder to exercise like a calendar to cross off each day.

2. Start small and work up to harder routines as you get stronger.

3. Track your progress to help keep you motivated, whether it is weight loss or increased strength.

4. Drink plenty of water!

If injury strikes...

When starting a new routine or continuing with your old ones, injury can occur.  Competitor offers 6 signs that you should go to a Physical Therapist when injury occurs.  I will highlight them here, but go check out their site for more information! (All credit for the information below goes to Competitor!)

1. Pain that doesn't go away.
Most people know to ice an injury when it first occurs.  This helps with inflammation and pain.  However, if the pain remains after 3-4 days you may want to get it checked out by a physical therapist to make sure it isn't something more serious.

2. A dull pain that won't stop.
This is similar to number 1 - if the pain does not go away and remains as a dull ache it may be your body telling you something more serious is occurring.

3. A traumatic accident.
A broken bone is pretty obvious and everyone seeks medical attention right away for this.  If you roll your ankle (sprain/strain) you also need to seek a physical therapist.  If you fall and notice changes in your body, you need to seek a physical therapist.  Be aware of your body - any changes after an accident may need to be checked out.

4. Medication may not be the best answer for pain.
If medications are not helping the pain, get checked out to make sure something more sinister isn't occurring.

5. Sharp pain instead of a dull ache.
A sharp pain often indicates a more serious issue - think muscle pull. 

6. Changes to your body.
Again, similar to number 3 - you know your body best!  If you notice swelling or bruising after a workout go get checked out.  Anything out of the ordinary may be your body saying something isn't right!

Good luck with all New Year's Resolutions or lifestyle changes!  
Comment below with what you plan to try in 2014.  


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