Monday, December 30, 2013

The beginning...

Welcome!  Since social media has become such an effective way of reaching the masses, I figured I would share my journey entering the physical therapy world.

To catch you up to where I am today, here is my background:

January 2007
I was a senior in high school and convinced I wanted to be an Architect due to my love of drawing.  Two months later I knew there was no way I could sit a computer all day!  Next thing I remember I was on track to become a physical therapist.  I credit this to my brother contracting Bell's Palsy and having unsuccessful physical therapy due to lack of knowledge by the therapist he had.  (Side note: He recovered just fine; and, as with any profession, there are some bad therapist out there however there are many great therapists!)

December 2010
I completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science, with a minor in Biology.  I had an interview with a few physical therapy schools and was excited to begin my journey.

March 2011
St Patrick's Day I found out I was accepted to the University of St Augustine.  I spent the next 8 months enjoying my freedom before starting doctorate school.

August 2011
I began physical therapy school.  I could spend seven blog posts describing each semester in depth but there is no need for that!! In the end I met a lot of amazing people, learned more in two years and four months than I ever thought possible, and grew more as person and professional than I imagined!!  For nostalgia sake I will include a few pictures of the journey :)

Bacon Night first semester

USA Advocacy takes the DC! Follow the University of St Augustine Advocacy group on twitter @DPTadvocacyUSA

Black Canyon, Colorado
Throughout the course of my internships I traveled to Ohio, Colorado, and Texas. 

Sign of the Advanced Manipulator with the USA Green Class 2013.

And 2 years 4 months later I graduated and became Joy Frye, DPT!

I will leave you there for the first post, as the last picture pretty much brings you up to speed.  I will enjoy my last few days of vacation before I begin my first big girl job.  Feel free to leave comments about things you want to know, ask questions you have about physical therapy, share this blog post on every form of social media you use!


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